The Original Face & Body Sugar System
The Original Face & Body Sugar System
Our 2 types of Spa sugar can be used alone or blended to remove any type of hair.
Salon Sugar Products, Inc. using knowledge from ancient Arabia brings to your salon a modernized hair removal methodology as old as the sands of time. Our modern sugar products originated among the mystery, romance and splendor of the Arabian nights. Picture an oasis of beauty where women and men have smooth, sensuous, hair free skin that is soft to the touch. This is what your clients' skin will feel like after you’ve used Salon Sugar® products to remove their unwanted hair.
Today, men and women prize silky, sensual, hair-free skin as much as they did in ancient times and our modernized Spa System® products are being increasingly used by salon professionals who want to offer their clients a hair removal "mini-massage". And they are proudly made in the USA.
(Recognition is given to those with previous experience using hand sugar on a case by case basis.)
Our company believes that in order to fully learn and use the Spa System® paste you deserve personalized training. This allows your Educator to help you with your pressure on the skin, the angle of lift, and how to blend paste for your personal body temperature. (We offer Firm, Regular and Soft formulations to meet the needs of the sugarists body temperature and working environment.)
The course is over 2 days and the first half day is practicing the “flicking” motion everyone associates with hand sugaring, body mechanics to avoid stresses to your body as you work, and an easy solution to working with larger body areas. After all, you only get one set of hands to last a lifetime and it’s important not to overuse them. The rest of the training is hands-on practice with live models, under the Educators supervision. This is when you learn to blend the paste to fit your body and in real time application you successfully complete tasks.
See what an Educator with 7 years experience has to say: “The Spa System® education makes me feel confident because it flows for the student and makes it easy for them to grasp the “flicking” technique. All the written materials and support products conform to State Board of Cosmetology/OSHA requirements. The application method is different from others I had seen and results in much less stress on the body. Product use is much less as well and so very economical. I really enjoy helping other salon professionals become more successful with this superior product.” Stephanie, NJ
One of our educators expressed her feelings about our Spa System® product education this way:
"The two-day hands-on education teaches hair removal with both Sugar ‘N Strip® and Spa System® sugar (which is applied with a gloved hand). The techniques and different sugar pastes complement each other, offering the ultimate in professional hair removal. I feel confident educating because the Educator Lesson Plan and student manual flow so naturally that my Salon Professionals can grasp the "flicking" technique easily. I am also pleased that what I am teaching is in complete agreement with State requirements and not a manufacturer's process that goes against the Cosmetology Board's published skin care principles. The proprietary methods create less stress so there is little risk of the damage to hands or shoulders I have seen with some other products. I enjoy helping other Salon Professionals become more successful with this superior product."
-Stephanie, NJ
Our luxurious Spa System® Paste is highly engineered to deliver the desired results
only when using the Spa/Hand Method of application and removal.
While its’ dense consistency is ideal for "flicking" it also makes it ineffective as a Strip sugar.
Check out our Sugar 'n Strip® System to find out more about the process.
Take it to the next level...
Want to learn more about upgrading your existing certification to maximize the value of your previous investment and enjoy the benefits of our Salon Sugar Products, Inc.® Systems?
Interested in learning about the benefits of the Spa System® for yourself and your clients through our educational seminars?